
Sunday, 26 June 2016

Try this Simple Tip for Bigger Chest. Don't miss it!

Arnold Schwarzenegger's chest is undeniably huge. 
Welcome to my blog!

Are you eager to build big chest? Do you feel small among your friends? Is your chest lacking up? No worry. I’m going to show you a quick and simple tip to stimulate maximum available growth in your chest muscles. In my perspective, I find this tip extremely awesome and now I'd like to share it with everyone!

Let’s get started!

Personally, I call this tip “Focus”. You have to focus on your muscles when you are training them. This tip is applicable to every physical training. Simply, you have to tell yourself or make your brain know that you are working on the muscles. Connection between muscles and mind is pivotal too. 

How to apply
For example, when you are training your chest, you keep your back and shoulders back as much as possible (This is of prime importance. You need to push the chest out in order to fully train them.) .

Now, without moving any weight, you can feel the contraction on your chest, especially your lower chest. To make sure you have this initial contraction before hitting the muscles, you just simply touch your chest and it is hard. If you cannot reach this stage, that means you have not fully extended your back and put your shoulders back. 
*Note: You shouldn't feel my back aching painfully when trying to straighten your back.

When to apply
Then, you apply this technique to your almost all chest exercises like bench presses, bench flys or push-ups, and combine it with a slow tempo. Slow tempo can be done in a way where you press the weights up in 1 second, hold it there for 1 second and finally lower it down in 3-5 seconds. This example is called a 1.5.1 tempo. Additionally, muscle fibres break down in a larger amount during eccentric motion of exercises. After a workout like this, your chest is burnt out completely and you can literally get a feeling of ‘pump’ on it. Therefore, even calisthenics can build massive muscles. It is just the way you work the muscles out.

Now, you might regret that during chest press exercises, you had always been dropping the weights down to your chest immediately in each repetition. However, it is not too late. Change today and results will be more explicit to you.

One important note that you will notice is you will not be able to life as much weight as before. This is a very common phenomenon because now you are focusing on each repetition instead of rushing, but this does not mean your strength is lost.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it. If you still do not know how to get the “focus” ready, feel free to comment below and I’ll make it more unambiguous to you. Share this to help others as well! J

Saturday, 18 June 2016

How to build big TRICEPS with Dumbbell and/or Bodyweight

For people, who cannot access to gym or prefer exercising at home or park but still want to get big triceps, please do not feel worry as there are exercises you can do and techniques you can apply to your training to get triceps! I will show you how you can build big triceps with just dumbbells and bodyweight.

When it comes to training for big arms, the triceps are very important as 3/5 of our arms’ size consist of triceps while the remaining size consist of biceps. Thus, you see how important triceps are in getting a big arm.

Triceps structure
Triceps are made of three smaller muscles, long head, lateral head and medial head. The long head is the one that is nearer to our back or our body. The lateral head is located at the side of arm, just behind the biceps long head. The medial head is near the elbow.

Significantly, you need to know that all triceps exercises will hit the three heads of the triceps as you cannot really isolate each head but there are exercises that you can do to put more stress on certain heads of the triceps.

Let’s get started!

Long head
Young Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Long head is pivotal in showing arm muscles. This pose above clearly shows the arms muscles, biceps and triceps. Everything below the biceps is the long head of the triceps. If you have a small long head, your triceps will not show well, making you fat. Fortunately, as said, you cannot isolate a specific head of the triceps. Hence, although you do not particularly train this muscle, you will still have a seemingly big triceps. However, I still strongly recommend training all three heads of triceps to achieve the best-looking triceps as possible.

Dumbbell(s) : Any type of overhead presses, such as skull crushers with Dumbbell, overhead triceps extension.

Lateral head

Lateral head is responsible for the separation of biceps and triceps at the side-view. It makes your arm looks considerably big when it is well-built. For people whose lateral head is not showing very clearly, there are two reason. First, your lateral head might really small, which means your overall triceps may be also small. Second, your arm is covered with excess fat so that you have to burn the fat off in order to see this muscle separating with the biceps.

Dumbbell(s) : kickback

Bodyweight : Close grip push-up, diamond push-up, Close grip push-up(knees on floor)

Medial head

For medial head, dips or weighted dips are already good enough to hit this muscle. Also, this muscle is also highly stressed during any triceps exercise due to its position (near the elbow as said), so the elbow movement of the triceps exercises will always hit this muscle. This muscle also needs to be strong than the other two in order to prevent injury of elbow. Therefore, besides doing the long and lateral head exercises, you must also include dips in your workout.

Bodyweight : Bench dips, Dips

1)   For bench dips, get two chairs and place them opposite each other but with some distance apart.
2)   Put your legs on one chair and your arms full extended on the other chair. This is your starting position.
3)  Lower yourself down in 4-5s, pause yourself at there for 1-2s and move back to starting position in immediately. This is one repetition. Do 10-15reps for 3-4sets
4)   The instruction for bench dips is the same for Dips. The difference is only that your legs are not supported, which means you are doing dips with move bodyweight.

How to workout:
1) Choose a few exercises that will target all three heads.
2) Do 10-15 repetitions for each set of each exercise.
3) A total of 10-12 sets of all exercises will be ideal.

Sample workout:

·       1-2 warmup set(s) for the triceps. You can do exercises like close grip push-up.
·       3 sets of bodyweight overhead extension
·       3 sets of bodyweight triceps extension
·       3 sets of close grip push-up
·       3 sets dips or weighted dips
*Note: If any of these exercises is too easy for you, try doing them with a slow tempo (etc. 5,1,1) or add weights (etc, a gallon of water container. Put it on your legs when doing bench dips. )

·       1-2 warm-up set(s) for the triceps. You can do exercises like triceps pulldown.
·       2 sets of overhead dumbbell extension
·       2 sets of dumbbell skull crusher
·       4 sets of close grip push-up or dumbbell close grip press (If you have heavy dumbbells)
·       4 sets of kickbacks

*Note: If any of these exercises is too easy for you, try doing them with a slow tempo (etc. 5,1,1)

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it! Please feel free to comment and I'll reply you as soon as possible :) 

Monday, 13 June 2016

Motivation | How to Find!

Do you feel very unmotivated towards your goal? Actually, motivation comes from yourself. However, you can intensify it whenever you want to give up, ensuring that you are always on the right track.

1. Comparison
Left: Chubby                |                         Right: Muscular
Humans, especially girls, are born to be competitive. They compare themselves with others, usually who are better than themselves in certain aspects, such as body shape, academic results and skills. These little competitions will spur people to become better, and this will slowly become a type of motivation. For example, some people compare their fat body with an aesthetic body, causing them to create a goal to reach that kind of body. In the gym, for guys, when you see some lean big bodybuilders, you feel small and weak. At most of the times, this makes you want to become similar to them. For most girls, the comparison is much stronger. Some will vomit food that they have just eaten and some will stop themselves to eat and keep exercising. However, these two ways of getting slim are detrimental to our health. Do not try these or you will make yourself die! Hence, comparison creates motivation in most people but for some people, instead of comparing, they choose to admire, which also achieves the same effect.

2. Reflection
Give a guess for the implication of the image! Source
You need to know a very significant fact, which is a big goal comprises of many small goals. You cannot make a big transformation of your body in just one day. You got to set very little goals very day, leading you to your big goal. Your everyday tiny goal can be just completing your diet without any cheating, or finishing your workout without giving up halfway. Moreover, you can everyday look at the mirror and admire yourself. Yourself can be a good motivation and sometimes, it is just that you have not realised that you have made good gain or have gotten leaner. Everyday, look at yourself. When you see you gains, you will be motivated and thus continue training and dieting.

See also: Be HAPPY FOREVER with ONLY 8 tips!!

3. Music

No motivation? Never mind! Just go to the gym, plug in your earphone, play your favourite musics or a Youtube workout music, and you will be ready. Motivation will set in slowly. Music is not just to avoid boredom, but can affect your emotion, feeling, mood and mind. You can choose and play your favourite songs as long as you feel the willpower in yourself. A study showed that after hearing a short piece of music, participants were more likely to interpret a neutral expression as happy or sad, to match the tone of the music they heard. This also happened with other facial expressions, but was most notable for those that were close to neutral.

See also: How to build full biceps and bring up the lagging parts of the biceps!!!

4. Scream
Phil Health
You saw powerlifters shout before lifting, did you? You saw fighters shout while punching, did you? This is not that they are crazy or immersed in the activity, nor they want to attract attention or scare off their enemies. When they shout, they release tension in their body and get an invisible power or strength. Their mind will be fresh, clear, and concentrated. In this way, they perform better. Below is a conversation between my school’s Karate teacher and me.

Karate teacher: Where does power come from?
Me                    : Muscles.
Karate teacher: You’re wrong! Power comes from scream!

Now, I guess you know why screaming can create a type of motivation already.

That's all for the article, Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it! Please comment below if you have any question! Your question(s) will be answered as soon as possible.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Can’t Afford Protein? No Problem! 6 Cheap Sources of Protein Here!


Life today is not easy. Usually, you work more and are paid less. Then, you think you cannot build muscle without supplements such as protein and that for pre- and post-workout? This is not true. Supplements are just supplements. They supply what you lack in your diet. Many people do not know this fact and make them a replacement in their diet. In this way, you will not get enough nutrients, such as Vitamin A, B and C, and definitely, this put your body at high risk of illnesses.

However, it is undisputable that supplements are helpful. Nowadays, the protein supplements in the market have many benefits, such as fast-absorbing ability, fast- recovering ability and 4-10 hours release of protein. For example, Muscle Pharm Combat Protein Powder has up to 8 hours release of protein.

Personally, I consume 1 scoop of protein powder daily at the time before my workout. After workout, I eat chicken breast, drink milk, and have some carbs, and all these food provide me enough nutrient to recover and grow. I feel great and full after the meal. In fact, more people start to remove supplements from their diets and of course, they show good results too!

Without any saying, let me show you 6 cheap sources of protein.

1. Egg

Egg is high in protein and they contain all of the essential amino acids that help in muscle growth and muscle recovery. One large egg contains 6 protein. About 60% of its protein is found in egg white. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol, thus for average people, 1 yolk per day is optimal. Personally, I consume 1 hard-boiled egg and 5 hard-boiled egg whites in a meal, which give me 24g of protein.

Cost: SGD$4.00-4.50/30 , RM14/30

2. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is very high in protein and is extremely common among bodybuilders. A piece of 100g of skinless boneless chicken breast have 25g of protein and is only 120 calories. As you can see, it is very low in calories. It is also very easy to cook. Personally, I will marinate about 1kg of chicken breast without bone and skin for one day, with melted butter, cooked chopped onions, soya sauce, some seasoning sauce, black and white peppers and salt, then store in the fridge. You can grill or bake it when you want to eat, and it tastes awesome!

Cost: About SGD$1.50-2.50/100g , About RM5-7/400g

3. Milk

Milk is rich in protein and calcium and is very critical as it promote healthy and strong bone, and give you the protein to build muscle. A 200ml of HL milk is only 100 calories and contains 10g of protein and 50% of your daily calcium needs. Personally, I drink it in the morning and after workout of each 200ml.

Cost: About SGD$5.00-5.50

4. Tuna chunks in water

Tuna chunks in water is very cheap and extremely rich in protein. One entire canned tuna contains about 36g of protein. The rest of the types of tuna is not that rich in protein, but their original flavour are nicer than that of tuna chunks in water. Hence, you need to season it yourself. Personally, I will cook them with butter, garlics and onions, and eat it with omelete.

Cost: SGD$1.50/canned

5. Peanut butter

Peanut butter has high protein and high good fat. 2 tbsp. of it (36g) usually contains 8g of protein and 200g of calories. As you know, it contains a lot of healthy fat, that’s why it has more calories. These fat are imperative too in our body too as they promote hormonal activity. Personally, I take it with breads in my breakfast.

Cost: SGD$4-7

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a good source of protein too and are high in fibre. Usually, a good oatmeal contains 7.5g of protein per 100g and 9.7g of fibres! Not only protein and fibres, they are also high in minerals, iron, magnesium and zinc, allowing us to grow healthy and stronger. Personally, I mix them with hot Milo powder and water, and drink it before workout, then I’m physically ready for some heavy liftings.

Cost: SGD$4-6/1kg

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

How to build full biceps and bring up the lagging parts of the biceps!!!

In order to hit the two heads of the biceps completely, we need to understand the anatomy and the structure of the biceps.

Biceps consist of two muscles. The biceps brachii, short head is the one that is near our body. The biceps brachii, long head is the one that is located at the side of our arms. Both lie on the upper arm between the shoulder and the elbow. Both heads arise on the scapula and join to form a single muscle belly which is attached to the upper forearm. While the biceps crosses both the shoulder and elbow joints, its main function is at the latter where it flexes the forearm at the elbow and supinates forearm. Both heads join on the middle of the humerus, to form a single muscle mass usually near the insertion of the deltoid, to form a common muscle belly.

Biceps : The Fullness

Arnold Schwarzenegger 

Fullness means greatness. In fact, many exercises neglect the very top and the very bottom parts of the biceps. For example, when performing a simple standing dumbbell curls, you raise your forearms near to your chest, squeezing your biceps as hard as possible then slowly let the bar go down. You feel the pump in your biceps after completing the exercises. However, you are not working the both ends as hard as the remaining part of the biceps. This cannot be changed as our body is designed in that way to allow us to only work that amount of muscle. You may argue, “Many people are doing this exercise.” Yes, you are right. The benefits of this exercise allow us to lift more weight, creating the fullness in the biceps. NOTE: Try as hard as possible to pronate the Dumbbell so as to get the maximum contraction. Performing Dumbbell Curls is not just lifting a pair of dumbbells up and letting them go down. You need to turn your wrist inwards to achieve maximum growth in your biceps.

Biceps : The Peak

Ronnie Coleman 

The Peak is the summit of your biceps. Your biceps may be huge, but without the peak, your biceps will not look big and massive. To build the peak, your both heads of the biceps must work together.
The long heads are responsible for pushing your biceps up, creating the sharp look of biceps but the short heads have to be big so that there is more volume for the long heads to lift up the short heads. To target the long heads as much as possible since their responsibility is so critical, there are two ways you can do this. One, you can to place biceps as much away from your shoulder. This can be done by lying on an incline bench. Therefore, you can do incline biceps exercises to build this muscle. Second, you can do biceps exercises using neutral grip and reverse grip.

Biceps : The Negative Motion

The Negative motion is also eccentric part of the motion. It is the motion when you put your weight down to resting position, while you are still holding it. When concentric part is the motion when you lift up the weight. In the gym, you will see many newbies biceps curls wrongly. They lift the weight up, and immediately drop them down and repeat this. This is totally wrong! Advanced or intermediate lifters train in such a way because they want to get the ‘pump’ feeling in their muscles. Even then, they do not drop the weight so fast. The negative motion is pivotal in getting mass. That is the part where most muscle fibers are stimulated and torn. They will repair themselves after your workout. Many, who do not know this fact, question why their biceps are growing so slowly.

This sample workout hits the entire biceps. 

( Repetition range : 8-15)
-Warmup with light dumbbells
- 2 sets of Regular Dumbbell Curls
- 2 sets of Close grip Barbell Curls
- 2 sets of Wide grip Barbell Curls
- 3 sets of Incline Hammer Curls
- 3 sets of Preacher Curls

That's all for this article. I hope it helps you! Please feel free to comment and give feedback, as well as vote below. Thank you :)

Monday, 6 June 2016

95% of people think yoga is useless and they are WRONG

PLEASE start doing yoga today!!!

Most people, especially men, think that yoga is very monotonous and helpless in getting their desire physiques. However, this is not true! No doubt, the benefits of yoga are myriad. You will find yourself feeling better and more energetic. Personally, I feel soreness in my muscles the next day of a yoga session and after a few sessions, I feel my flexibility is increased. Therefore, even a guy like me, who every weekdays switch on my beast mode lifting in the gym, can feel the soreness brought by doing yoga, then our perspectives towards and knowledge of yoga may be too narrow that we have ignored that advantages.

Below shows all the important reasons why you have to do yoga.

1. Improvement in your flexibility

Flexibility is of prime importance. It prevents injuries and promotes healthy muscles and joints. Bad flexibility reduces your body’s ability to stay in proper posture, limits muscular extensibility and causes muscle imbalances which hinder our range of motion. When connective tissues are tight and short, you cannot perform at your best, thus increasing the risk of injury. With good flexibility, daily activities such as standing, walking, bending and turning, and weight-lifting are easier to perform. For weight-lifting, poor flexibility impedes us from getting all our muscles worked and brings us joint injuries as said earlier, it shortens our range of motion.

2. Toned-up muscles

Holding the postures of yoga can tone up your muscle involved. It is not as simple as seen. Most postures require you to flex, balance and hold for a long time. Imagine yourself holding in plank position for a long time. That’s how it feels like. Also, toned-muscles protect us from illness like arthritis and back ache, and prevent the old ones from falling easily.

See also: One SHOCKING tip you MUST try to burn more calories!!!

 3. Protection on spine

Optimal amount of asanas that involved your back such as backbends, forward bends and lower back and hip twists, can help to lower the risk of any back injuries and strengthen the spine, thereby leading to a good posture. Back injuries can be problematic and one example is hunchback.

4. Improvement of bone health

Researches have shown that bone mineral density in the spine for people who did yoga regularly increases. From the slow, precise iyengar style to the athletic, vigorous ashtanga, yoga can build bone health in your hips, spine, and wrists - the bones most vulnerable to fracture.

5. Happiness increases

After practicing yoga, it is undeniable that people feel happier and more positive towards life. That feeling stays with you even after you leave the training room, and surprisingly, it can last for at least a couple of days. Regularly practicing yoga, you can attain inner peace, relaxation, mental clarity and reduction in anxiety. More importantly, you will obtain a feeling of accomplishment, confidence, and a more position mentality towards life.

6. Stronger Lungs

Researchers measured the participant’s chest expansion and lung volume rates at the start of the study and again six weeks later. The results show that the people who did yoga had significant improvement in lung volume and increased exhalation force, as well as improved posture. Their chest wall had expanded 38 percent in the upper chest, 19 percent in the mid-chest and 15 percent in the lower chest.

 7. Better sleep

Yoga relieve your body, making you comfortable and relaxed. The postures promotes a sensation that relax your nervous system. With better sleep, this signifies that you are more alert and concentrated, which can also improve your productivity.

8. Healthy immune system

In yoga, asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing regulation in yoga) ameliorate immune system. Asanas are good for muscles, joints, bones, cardiovascular system, nervous system and lymphatic system. They are psychosomatic exercises that can help strengthen the whole nervous system. Pranayama can help increase physical detoxification and improve immune system.

That's all for the topic. I hope you like it! Please feel free to comment and give me some feedback below!